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Not bad for a Sunday.

Manicure -Pedicure - Flu Vaccine

And now Beef Satay is marinading and the Peanut Sauce is made.

BufftonBeotch 8 Aug 22

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I got the pneumonia vaccine yesterday. Covid vax was in April. Next month, I'll be getting the flu vax. My VA is taking very good care of me.

I wanted to go ahead and knock it out.

I get $100 bucks in my HSA for getting it.

@BufftonBeotch What's HSA? You got paid for getting flu vaccine?

@mischl HSA = Health Savings Account
Yes it is a part of my health insurance and I can get up to $800 a year for doing what people should do anyway.

It goes to a debit card for health expenses only.

Is the pneumonia one you need to booster every year?

I'm also considering the shingles one.

@BufftonBeotch No, pneumonia is once every five years. (So I was told last week.) Shingle is a good idea, too. I had one about 10 years ago...not since.

@BufftonBeotch There are TWO pneumonia shots! (Nothing is simple.) I assume the VA gave me PCV13 last week. And I'll ask them about / if / when I will get the PPSV23.


Thanks for giving the flu vaccine.


Mmm…I love beef satay….pity I’m nowhere even remotely close!

Now I have to decide whether to eat it tonight or let it marinade until tomorrow.

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