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Dating and religion

Would you date a religious person? Have you been rejected or told by someone that they would date you if you were only a believer like them?

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biggmannmario 3 Oct 2

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I definitely would not be able to date someone who was super religious. I mean, i find people who aren't religious are easier to have conversations with anyway

We can always have it our own way


I wouldn’t, because I have and it was one of the reasons ruined the relationship. It was fine at first, but then he started wanting me to go to church, talking to my mother about trying to convert me, and trying to make me feel guilty for not believing in god... meanwhile, I found out he was cheating on me. How christian of him, huh?

Rach Level 1 Oct 4, 2017

Too troublesome dating a religious person.

Just keep an open mind, girl, parry every lunge. Patience and tolerance makes good relationships. But when enough is enough - pull out your Colt .45!


I have dated and married an incredibly religious woman. (Young Earth, evolution denying, Noah and the flood believing, you're going to Hell, you dirty atheist) Now to be fair when I met her she wasn't like that. She was open to rational thinking. As time went by, she grew more religious, and we drifted apart. Our married lasted Fourteen years, but the last seven have been Hell (no pun intended) I still love her, but I finally insisted on a divorce. My reasoning for the divorce wasn't all about her religiosity, in fact, it was only a piece of the overall reason.

I have been rejected by women even some who pursued me in the beginning. I look at it as a good thing, if they can't deal with my rationality on a good day what are the bad days going to be like?


For a life partner I'd want someone with similar beliefs and opinions. I dare to find the one.


Well I actually dated a religious woman a while back. She went or tried to go to church every Sunday and she was cool with be being a "non-believer". But the longer we were together the less she would go to church and actually wanted to spend Sundays with me. So it's not totally out of the question with me but it also depends on whole indoctrinated into there religion they are.

Mutual understanding


I have dated both, although when getting to know someone I like to make sure pretty early on that they will not have an issue with my atheism. I do find that I tend to have a better intellectual connection with non-believers, but as long as they are not militant, it doesn't persuade my decision.

I can agree with what you said across the board, I really like this site and meeting like-minded people

As I posted, I've dated many, married and divorced one religious woman. I think this time, I'm going to try and find someone who isn't religious but the pool of non-believers in my area is extremely limited. I came to this site thinking it was a place to meet women in my area but found that it really isn't that. I have tried to connect a few times, but it's just not set up for that.

Love is a contact sport, says the late Whitney Houston. I agree. But no "fouls" and no "forcing through" okay?"


I have dated a few men that were somewhat religious but I always state for the record that I don't care what you beleive in IF you ONLY want to be friends. but if you plan to have more than that with me, I won't be involved with someone who is religious. Its that simple.


Maybe, if there were enough other values we shared/respected. Doubtful it could get serious though.


I really disrespect religious belief. I cannot build much of anything starting from disrespect, and am not sure that I would want to.

Zster Level 8 Oct 7, 2017

I never date anyone I don't know. So, if I have a romantic interest in a guy, that interest has to last through our becoming friends before it could possibly lead to dating, and religious guys tend not to be interesting enough or interested enough to become potential dates. By not dating anyone I don't already know, I do get to keep more male friends(since they never become exes), including lots of religious guys, but they'll only ever be friends.


I dated a woman I really clicked with for a month or so before it came out that I was agnostic. I fully explained my rationality to her, she promptly dumped me and wouldn't see me again afterwards. So honestly no I probably wouldn't, simply because to me, religion is not anything a truly rational person would believe in.


I strongly believe religion is a personal thing. Forced Prayer in public places is wrong. The same applies to personal religious beliefs in our own home and circle of friends. If the other person is respectful of your beliefs and doesn't push theirs on you, then it can work.

Works for me, too!

I agree.


I reject religious men. I have already experienced being in relationship with religious men and with non religious man. I think i prefer humanist and attentioned men !

I make no distinctions


I have dated religious women who have respected that I am not. No preaching was allowed on either side and at least in that area, it worked quite well.

Well and good. I'm still into that.


Non-believers are a rarity among women in my age group,so rejecting all religious women greatly limits the pool of potential mates. But I can't deal with those who are fanatical,or attempt to change my views on religion.I actually was in a relationship with a woman pastor for a couple of years,and religious topics seldomly came up.

I'm not sure about it being a rarity at my age, as much as it is the location I am in. I was just recently rejected solely on the fact I am a non-believer. It stung a little, but at the same time, I was thankful that she didn't decide to get with me and then try changing me. I have had that happen before too.

I thought age doesn't matter?


That depends on the definition of religion to that person. In some situations I might consider it (e.g. a liberal church goer who is not too high strung, who drinks, has sex, and enjoys life without an inkling of religious guilt or remorse---who perhaps operates like a deist w/o necessarily declaring herself one) why not? But as for a bible believing christian that thinks they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ...haha lol "hell no"


I've never had anyone tell me they wouldn't date me because of my lack of belief, but I have told people I won't date them because of their belief. I have just discovered it doesn't work for me.


At this point I don’t think I would date a believer. I have been rejected solely because I wasn’t Christian, and as much as it sucked I think it’s for the best. I don’t want to be quiet about atheism anymore, and I don’t want to raise children believing in religion. For a serious, long term relationship we need to be on the same page here.

Bruce Lee said we must seek our own level like water.

In the movie G.I. Jane, Demi Moore was told, after a bloody fist fight with her superior officer. " lieutenant, seek life elsewhere!"


I was, at one time, "the Church Lady" - church secretary, newsletter editor, etc., until the kind, Christian people ran me out on a rail for not agreeing with how they spent their money. They did me a favor by giving me a reason to reconsider my beliefs. Wouldn't date one of them now if he were the last man on earth. Just not attracted to the delusional kind.


Those are 2 different questions lol


I would never date another religious woman. I was told by my last partner that she could never be with me long term because I was not a Christian. But I was good enough for sex, and good enough for her to take every single thing I ever offered her. She had poorer ethical and moral values than I did, and was focused on material objects and social prominence. I could never do that again. Tried it once, that was enough.


Depends on how religious


I make no distinctions, younger, same age or older, of any shape or make, religious or not, intellectual or ignorant, dumb or smart. Just keep it simple, soft and warm, decent and pleasant. Most of the time dutch treat, sometimes they pick up the tab, he-he!

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