39 9

Men and makeup

Would you date a man who wore makeup to make himself look more attractive? Kind of like us women do.

SonderOpia 8 Apr 19

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Have you seen my profile picture? That lipgloss is called 'Gash' by Urban Decay.

I wear dresses and heals and jeans and boots. I’m a black belt in Kung-Fu and love Opera and Hello Kitty. Gender is a social construct not a biological one.

An ex. once called me one of the most masculine men she’d ever dated and she dated bodybuilders! I think that is pushing it a bit 🙂

I get I’m not every lady’s cup of tea but I seem to attract the adventurous sort so it’s all good with me.

BTW I love that shade of lipstick in your profile picture.

@SonderOpia Thanks! As I said it's called 'Gash' by Urban Decay. I love it too but it is super gooey and has to be replied constantly. I don't think they do it anymore but I always grab it when it appears on eBay etc. 🙂


'Guyliner' has been a thang from Egyptian Pharoah Seti I to Charlie Chaplin to Pharrell. These weren't everyday dudes, though...not too sure my silver-self wouldn't look quite silly with full on 'smoky-eye' lol. I'd might try something subtle. I've caked it on in the past for Halloween costumes and had a ton of fun with it. I greatly appreciate the talent and vision women have in designing their makeup application, and enjoy it immensly...especially when they experiment with looks out of the norm.


Having a bunch of theater friends causes me to be both familiar and quite comfortable with all sorts of humans wearing make-up. So, sure. Why not ?


I mean... I wouldn't be into a bunch of mascara and lipstick if he had a beard, but sure.

A mate of mine back in Sheffield was once called the most beautiful man in the world and he had a beard and make most of the time.



While I would applaud his confidence to go against the norm, and have nothing against the idea, I suspect that we would not be a good match. I only put on make-up when I'm forced to; like being a part of a wedding party, or some such affair.


Aftershave is my limit!

Coldo Level 8 Apr 20, 2018

I haven't rejected the tenets of religions so I could impose, or be dictated to by, another set of weird, arbitrary preferences.


I don't judge men who wear make-up any more than I judge women who do it. If someone is willing to spend the time to enhance their appearance then it must be rewarding to that person on some level. Women don't own vanity and centuries ago make-up was for men more so than women. If a man appealed to me in ways I respond to (humor, kindness, intelligence, sex appeal) I feel I would be limiting myself by refusing to date him simply because he enhanced his appearance.

Well said.


I am not interested in feminine men.

I'm curious, are there any men in cinema or television that you would date? Because they ALL wear makeup on screen.

@Cricket9 this is true.

In some countries it's the men who dress up to impress the women which includes makeup, in the animal kingdom it's the male that usually has the pretty feathers or has to make a pretty Nest or do a pretty dance. And in the old times it was the men who wore makeup and women adopted this look. Makeup has nothing to do with femininity it has to do with feeling a certain way or changing your looks. I find nothing wrong with anyone wearing makeup or not wearing makeup. It should be up to the individual.


I've worn some cover up stuff before. I've colored my hair and my beard. I have no issues with men wearing makeup.

Fight me.

Duke Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

Love the "fight me".

LMAO! People need to get a grip on what century they're living in. We were supposed to have flying cars by now. Men with makeup should not even be a thing.

@Anniemae Really? What's the problem with hair color or cover-up on a zit?


Im not a woman but from my personal perspective, a little makeup is okay like a bit of eyeliner or rouge... but not too much. I mean it's nice to accentuate certain features but for guys I think less is more... I hope im not being too confusing...


Why not?

@SonderOpia What will they be trying to prove ?

@SonderOpia I don't want to date some guy whom wears makeup. I'll date a woman instead.

@VAL3941 it's not about proving anything it's about being you and enjoying doing something different.

@SonderOpia Why can't they just be who they are ? Call me old fashioned if you must but I cannot see myself changing my opinion on this one. Sorry.

@VAL3941 are you just not keeping up with this? I said it's not about proving anything it's about being you.

@SonderOpia Let them be whoever or whatever they want to be. That is MY opnion and I wilk stick to it. No offence intended.

@VAL3941 I think we are trying to 'prove' exactly the same as what women are trying to 'prove'. Not sure what that is or even if anyone is trying to prove anything.


I have only worn makeup for Halloween. I found it gets caught in my beard.

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