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Don't vaccinate children for Covid-19. They are the ones who will live with this so let them attain natural immunity because the alternative is a life time of shots, starting with ones on which no long term (over 2 years) data is unavailable to analyse. Long term, this natural immunity for the young policy will lessen the burden on medical services.
Vaccinate and isolate the vulnerable instead, those at risk ie home detention for all over 60 (and watch them scream their freedoms are being denied, whilst they were happy to force all ages into lockdown). Lets bring back you are responsible for your own safety, rather than blame all else. Vulnerable people have been doing that forever, why this sudden change that your safety is now others responsibility?

powder 8 Aug 27

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And this line of thinking is how we start down the slippery slope of denial.


Here's a good reason

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 28, 2021

Because vaccines work children get vaccinated for many scourges that killed kids early, polio, measles, mumps, chickenpox, diphtheria, tetanus. The latest variant is killing kids in greater numbers

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 28, 2021

First of all :
People over 60 are not the only ones that die from covid . Or get sick enough to hospitalized , or suffer long term effects . Personally , I have send to the morgue plenty of 40s, late 30s and mid fifties
Secondly : when we were bitching and asking people to social distancing and wear masks , nobody was happy as well . Everybody had a cow about their f freedom to go to the bars and the stores and their sports and this and that and the f other . Isolation was a “ how dare u , I want to travel “.
Fine . Here is a vaccine , take that at least . Oh no ! “ how dare u giving us vaccination , let’s just isolate , but not wearing masks either , and let kids without masks too “. Bcz u know , when mommy and daddy gets sick or dead , isolating the over 60s is really gonna help .
I am so tired of this shit and these useless arguments from people who have no f clue what they are talking about and are unable to see the big picture bcz they don’t understand disease , epidemiology , prevention or treatement .
At the very fucking end , none of u are going to take care sick kids , sick parents , sick teachers , sick anybody . U are all sitting behind your screens w a drink telling me what should be done to control this plague , how it’s nothing more than a flu , how masks don’t work , how vaccines are poisonous , and how it does not matter if few or many die .


@powder You're a fucking idiot.

@powder I would say so.


No! -Signed a measles survivor.

The vaccine came out months after five year old me almost died.

@barjoe I was five as well, and remember the whole awful mess vividly.

@Organist1 I had measles in 1963 and a measles vaccine was newly available when I got sick. I have hearing loss and was left with a heart murmur which I still have. Antivaxxers are among the worst people in the world. RFK Jr is an example, he wants the murderer of his father to go free.

@barjoe Having measles was the sickest I've ever been, even when I had typhoid fever, or viral meningitis. I remember lying there hallucinating in my bed with a dangerously high fever. I have a heart arrhythmia, and who knows? It could have started then.

@Organist1 I just remember how scared my parents were. I was quarantined at home and the doctor made housecalls. My parents both had at one time contracted measles, my older brother wasn't allowed in the room. He was 10. I've never talked to him about it.


So you propose only 4 more years of life before you have to enter the ghetto & isolate yourself with the other "oldies"? Or is it that you have already been diagnosed with terminal illness & don't expect to live that long?

Reading your post made me understand how families can be bitterly divided by ideologies.


natural immunity don't come free. consequences from contracting the bug, other than potential death, can leave an individual with all kinds of health issues which could last a lifetime, compromise the quality of it, and mean plenty of dr.s visits or even hospitalizations. a much larger burden than a booster shot, much much larger. a generation of sick people who can't work maybe? a generation of shortened lifespans?the discrimination against those folks? vaccinate the kids.

@powder Calm down? -How condescending! My adult son died of COVID before there was a vaccine available. You bet your a$$ he would have gotten one if it had been.

@powder you are so off your rocker it's really not funny. i don't know if it's pride? fear? winning an argument? or what but you need to open your fucking eyes.

@powder I took a recently approved drug (at the time) there was less than 6 months data at the time. I knew thatt the alternative was most likely death. I underwent 2 years of extremely painful and difficult treatment. I knew that there were no long term studies and that I was one of the long term, studies. When you know that you only have one life to live, you don't fuck around and refuse life saving treatment. Over 20 years after I was given a death sentence, I am still around. I trust medical science, I am leary of big pharma, but the science I am good with. Die if you must, but don't get in the wayh of p[eople that want to live.

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