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Just seen in an Australian Aboriginal group on fbuk a complaint about Whites stealing a black discrimination.

"Look at how these white people need to belittle the Aboriginal Stolen Generation! With their White Stolen Generation! 🤬"

What are your thoughts?

FrayedBear 9 Aug 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Stolen generations have NO ethnic barrier. There are stolen generations in Ireland, Canada, The USA, Poland & 3rd Reich controlled areas, Argentina & Chile` during the dictatorships. And the ultimate lost generation the slave trade, Holocaust, Cambodia, Burma, Rwanda.......Genocide! Probably countless that will forever remain unknown to history. And may I remind some of us that women had/have little power in some "corners of the world",( that is ROUND & sans corners) thusly I blame men currently who do nothing to support women's quest for the power we once had as "fertility goddesses". Control of our own bodies, lives, & choices. Rising up angry! Sisters of the world unite. Brothers support us with your presense & votes.


Comparing one atrocity to another in order to try and claim a spurious moral high ground undermines the seriousness of both tragedies and the evil done in the name of society.
Inhumanity is not a competitive sport. Victim hood is not a competition.
Anyone who thinks it is, can only be described as a sick fuck!
These children, white,black or sky blue pink with yellow dots on, were victims, their parents were victims and the consequences ripple through time as a testament to the failure of people to be civilised, humane or even worthy of the epithets human being.
They need to grow up, team up and make sure this never happens again TO ANYONE!

Eloquently expressed Len. I've been telling these misandric women, particularly the "me-tooers" that for many years.

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