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What in the name of all things sane have I done to deserve this?
Just heard from Evangeloon that he needs to raise a mere 2,580 dollars Australian to send to a University in America so he can become a Certified Preacher of the Christian Religion and give Sermons at the local Baptist Church that he now attends, well did UNTIL LOCKDOWN happened around here a few weeks ago.
What he has requested, not in a very nice and undemanding manner imo, is THAT I act as his Tutor since I am the only person he knows who has a Doctorate in Theology and Comparative Modern Religions.
Guess what, I declined, refused most vehemently and repeatedly said a definite and very LOUD NO.
I suppose, by his shocked expression, I've dropped below the bottom of his friends list by now.

Triphid 9 Aug 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Gee, that's too bad, I'm sure you'll miss him......

Yep, just like I'd miss having a extra hole in my head.


"Dear Neighbour,

"I am touched by your faith in my ability to teach Theology. My fees are modest, being only $1,000/hour, payable in advance, with specialties such as Baptist attracting a mere $300/hour on top.

"I only accept students who can quote the KJV Bible verbatim, though I offer an assessment for this gratis.

"Should you wish to pursue this offer, please come to my front door and shout "Hail Mary!" three times for admission.

"Warn regards,
"Andrew Shyster."


Oh good grief, whatever next!

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