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Reminded me of "PARADISE ALMOST LOST," by Joseph Simon Newman, recorded by Biff Rose on his first album, “The Thorn in Mrs. Roses’s Side.” 1968

I'll tell about those ancient days
ere history penetrates the haze,
ere human eyes were there to gaze,
when earth was all….primeval:
Worms and germs and rocks and sod,
were ready at the slightest nod
of quite an inexperienced God,
to go into….upheaval.

Not even Adam had appeared.
sin was nothing to be feared:
this was before all men were queered
by apple-eating ladies.
In fact, in those days, don't forget,
the Lord had made no devils yet,
and up 'til then had never met
a fit recruit for Hades.

There was no mammoth, fish, or seal,
Fatimas, Pepsodent, or veal,
no radio or movie reel,
no Buick, bean, or Bendix,
no pterodactyl, fudge, or Lux,
no Sal Hepatica or ducks,
no Nazis, Communists, or Klux,
no Man...and no appendix.... (10 more verses)

Daco2007 7 Sep 4

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Creationists think the Universe is 6000 years old compared to the scientific estimate of 13.4 billion. Well, heck, they're only off by a factor of 2 million times. It's probably a good rule of thumb for the rest of their beliefs.


It is not fair to confuse creationists with facts.



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