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Read what an American reporter thinks of Australia today and published in RT.

Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist. He is the author of 'Midnight in the American Empire,' How Corporations and Their Political Servants are Destroying the American Dream. @Robert_Bridge

One Flew Over the Kookaburra’s Nest: Down Under is now a mental ward where the crazies are calling the shots over Covid []

FrayedBear 9 Sep 8

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RT is RUSSIA TODAY. A propaganda outlet for PUTIN the POISONER. Believe nothing from this very poor source. Thank you.

How many times a day does a broken analogue watch correctly tell the time? RT does it far more frequently.

Incidentally much of what RT publishes is from other sources around the world & has nothing to do with Putin or Russia.

If I was a dumbass I would dismiss this srticle for having been written by an American not for having been published in RT.

A broken watch never tells the time correctly. It is broken. RT publishes what Putin permits them to publish from anywhere. Americans can be traitors also.


OH dear
Robert Bridge is the master of the false analogy is he not?
Kesey’s ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ is obviously well beyond him for a start.
Unlike those who have read and actually understood the book, not just quote mined it as Mr Bridges has done while for the most part relying on his knowledge of the film, he would know the metaphor does not stand up in the context he is using it.
The book is told from the POV of a mentally deranged man "Chief" Bromden, in whose mind, the complete sociopath McMurphy, is some kind of messianic saviour.
When Nurse Ratched as the Chief sees it, "Tortures" the patients, she is actually protecting and caring for them. Trapped in an under funded, short staffed Hell Hole of an institution she alone is doing her best. She is the only one who does care and is the only one who actually not only believes but also can diagnose that Randall is NOT faking it, that he is insane. She knows he is a danger to himself and others and is protecting him, a kindness he repays by assaulting her sexually and trying to kill her. She knows were Randall to be sent back to prison he would be dead in a week, and that he must be controlled for his own good. Unfortunately, while she is away recovering her "superiors" lobotomise Randall as a punishment, driving the Chief to escape and run riot.
Like wise the forcible administration of drugs to a certified mental incompetent and dangerous psychopath for his and the protection of others sake, is in no way comparable to mandatory vaccination of ordinary people, who should have the mental competence and social responsibility to in fact demand that they be vaccinated en mass for the good of all.
As Nurse Ratched so rightly says, if adults will not behave like adults, then there is no choice but to treat them like children, and protect them and others from their imbecilic behaviour, for the greater good.

Sounds like you are talking about the inmates of psyche ward Australis Len.

Same as me!


Вы когда-нибудь читали что-нибудь, что написано не этими несчастными русскими? Вы только ссылаетесь на тот ужасный новостной сайт RT.

Що прикро для росіян Джо, окрім того, що вони викликають у вас обурену ненависть, викликану вами? Ви кажете мені, що Бріджес не написав цю книгу про знищення австралійського народу фашистськими богами?
Принаймні RT дає більш чесні новини, ніж колишня австралійська лисиця, яка наповнює вас своїми лайновими переконаннями та сліпою ненавистю до росіян.

@FrayedBear You got me. I fucking hate Russia.

@barjoe But Ukraine is ok?
If it wasn't for Russia you'd be speaking German & giving a straight arm salute shouting Seig heil!

@FrayedBear Wrong. It was also the US and it’s allies Britain, France, as well as other Allied Powers.

@FrayedBear That's true. I still don't want to read their propaganda.

@FrayedBear Unfortunately a lot of "Americans" are practically giving the Nazi salute today, to Trump Same with some Russians, to Putin.

@CuddyCruiser not wrong - debateable. Did America or Britain have 30+ million to sacrifice without the people turning on the leaders? As for the French please supply me with the facts of 1941-45.

@FrayedBear The French Surrendered in June 1940 to Nazi Germany and was occupied until after the Allied invasion of June 6 1944

@CuddyCruiser some contribution? N'est pas?


For sure the bad people are running the world and many of the good people are locked up. Many people are more afraid of the cops than they are of the criminals. About 95% of crimes are occupational and 5
%. are. Street crimes. The news and movies are not made that way.

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