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LINK Howard Stern slams anti-vaxxers, radio hosts who died from COVID-19

You can hate him if 'ya wanna, but he is my hero.

Mooolah 8 Sep 9

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An anti-vaxxer on national SATV, a supposed know-it-all. If you continue listening further, all she said has been refuted by a qualified virologist. These anti-vaxxers thrive on misinformation.


He makes a whole lot of sense. I agree with him👋

He always has. He just did it in a most unacceptable manner to many prudish & easily offended folks.


Howard Stern talking sense? Isn't that one of the first signs of the apocalypse?

Always has spoken sense for the most part. He has matured as many of us tend to do in our later years. Less in your face & far more congenial. His current wife & 20 years of therapy have contributed to his evolution on delivery.


I love Howard Stern!

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