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Give me Liberty, safety and independence for shutting down the world over a nasty flu we deserve to loose all three. How can one event, one catalyst to change EVERYTHING! I'm not in favor of absolute power of governments, bankster and pharmaceutical forcing what job we can do or what must be put into our bodies. A good guys is a step backwards for the bad guys. For each one of us can be that good guy locally, then globally. Not ever from the top downwards.

No one can legislate morality. No government can ever control people’s moral freewill by putting laws in place. You can’t pass laws that will force individuals to acquire character and integrity.
People will eventually do whatever they want. Only you can choose for you:

You choose to share
. IRS, banks, and insurers, investment with Government
. To wear a mask and get vaccinated against the flu so your kids can go to their indoctrination camps.
You choose to toe the line under an illusion of “democracy”.
. You choose to be brainwashed every time you switch on the television.
. You choose coping with the extortionate costs of food and housing and everything else.

And every time you choose one of these things, you are making a choice against freedom.

If you want to build a life that matters and not live in fear and despair. Join serving and thinking for yourself First. All the other stuff we deal with secondary as the other half. Resist playing the Blame Game, I take charge approach to problems in my life. Politics only gets worst. Things will turn out better or worse because of me and nobody else,
The results is I'm happier and healthier person with a life that matters.

Just sharing ideas only you can find your own way. Don't get vaccineed in my Opinion. It only harms your immune system and makes profiteering billionaire are the only winners.

Castlepaloma 8 Sep 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Your terribly flawed reasoning is astounding.

Explain how my facts are unreasonable.

Some just say empty negative words slander. Them take off, giving no evidence. That's So lame and so boring.

@Castlepaloma I sere no facts. I see opinions without su0pport of real data. And, there is no real factual support for many of your statements.


Still, by which facts have no truth, or by who's ethical stardards.

If it by President world champion liars who can't reach 25percent of their promises and endless false statements. Or by the most sued trillionaire corporation
fraud pharmaceutical and their toxic products. Or by Top scammers Banksters print all the money to keep the economy from total collapse. Everyone knows, yet mass psychosis and fear mongering, keeps many from their abilities to think for themselves.

I am my own best leader and doctor in the world. If not, enjoy the 3 top scammers slave masters that own you.

@Castlepaloma You want to argue, not to engage in real discourse.


An argument is an angry discussion. No worries, I don't get angry nor will put you down for your ideas. May not agree, yet no downers.
Do have an adult attitude towards lifestyles.
Just don't like large greedy bullies..


There has been some discussion of vaccination being harmful to the body, but I believe it is being squelched by a lot of social media. A vigurous debate is what's needed most. Censorship of the topic is not allowing people to make fully infotmed decisions and is harming public health. Social media platfirms should be held accountable. We should expect future elected officials to address this issue.


People are overpowered right now, I sense the pushback in the next 2 to 4 years . A pushback from the greatest abuse
ever, that will change a better empowerment for the individuals freedom.
It's a constant 80 year cycle through out human history.

@powder Well thank you, but no thank you! They have employees resigning right out of the FDA, I don't think confidence is running high when that happens. And when you have a Pres. that thinks he can make personal medical decisions for a largr part of the nation? This is going to backfire. Additionally, as much as Dem claim to be all about helping minorities, now people are being subjected to "no choice" - how does this foster confidence?

@Castlepaloma I do agree there will be pushback. I hope to see things start happening sooner than that. I hope it starts today.


They have started pushback. Unfortunately I envision a over 100 million people will die directly or indirectly from covid, before the great wake up happens. The third world war are playing for keeps, yet the power of the people always win in the end, bringing us up to the roaring 20s again.

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