Unpopular take: I am tired of the 9/11 crap. I watched it happen on live TV.
Was it a tragedy? Yes
Did it suck? Yes
I just don't think that we need to get beaten over the goddamn head with it for a solid fucking month every year.
Is your take less or more popular than mine, that 9/11 was a long-delayed payback for US foreign policy in the Middle East during the Cold War?
We gave money to every ruler who opposed the Soviet Union but didn’t care how he treated his own nation’s people.
Then keep your TV and radio off on 9/11 and avoid the news. Even if you lack any empathy keep in mind that some people lost friends and family and coworkers that day, nearly 3000 people tragically and horribly and needlessly died, and terrorists struck our country in a way no one had experienced in 60 years striking the largest city in the U.S.
I agree. It is bullshit that the corporate media uses to brainwash Americans about the "official" version of 9-11, which I have never bought. They want us to keep believing the government told the truth about what happened, play on feelings of nationalism, and gin up fear that something like that will happen again, in order to distract from how they country is falling apart and decaying from within, while all the while our leaders and the ruling class go on stealing from the rest of us thru corporate welfare and the funneling of money from the lower classes to the top class thru government spending on war. You also hear no perspective in the corporate media of how many people die every day from Covid compared to how many died from 9-11, because that would reveal the hypocrisy of the Repubs in how many dead Americans are acceptable to them if it furthers their policy goals.
My position on the 9-11 event is that, at the very least, the Bush administration knew it was coming and let it happen, because it served their purpose and goals of getting a war with Iraq, spreading empire to the Middle East, and getting their oil, as well as occupying Afghanistan. It is also possible that they actively assisted in the attack happening. People thinking that the Repubs would never purposely allow the killing of a few thousand Americans for their political goals is hopelessly naive for these days, as I also feel the Dems are also just as callous when it comes to achieving their political goals. The lives of us peasants really don't matter to them either when it comes their goals or their ambitions for power.
Turn it off. I turn off stuff I don't want to watch.