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The best 9/11 commentary I have seen so far...

skado 9 Sep 13

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Unfortunately, we forget there was previous bombing in the basement of the WTC (1993). Terrorism was, is and will continue to increase. The article mentioned 6 million have died from starvation and more from diseases but climate change will make that look puny. Hell, we can't even impeach the biggest POS scofflaw the country has even known. People were angry and wanted revenge. That cost us thousands of lives, trillions of dollars and all for nothing. Still, another should have, which gets us nowhere.


Excellent article, though most Americans and for sure those waving their flags as they breach the Capital will consider this Muslin propaganda just due to the Aljazeera logo at the top. Never mind the true insightfulness of the article.


hmm, that doesn’t acknowledge “inside job?”


Who remembers Paul Wolfowitz? His influence goes way back, well before Afghanistan and Iraq. War is his game.
This article is 100%
I turned on the news that morning, there's an image of the Tower billowing smoke and the news announce saying there's been a terrible accident or maybe an attack they did not know what just that a plane had flown into the Tower. Well as I watched the 2nd plane came in and I said to my ex "That was NO accident". I knew we were going to war. Did not know who was responsible for the attack or that the admin under bush but run by cheney would cook a lie about WMDs.


Bush, Cheney and Rumsfield should all be charged with war crimes. Every Congress person that voted for the Iraq war should be publicly admonished.

The military industrial complex is our real enemy.


The U.S. has for a very long time exported human misery throughout the world. I have never understood why

Leetx Level 7 Sep 13, 2021

There is money to be made - think military industrial complex.


A pretty good summary.
Why did Bush and his puppet Blair dream up their "weapons of mass destruction" lies as an excuse to invade Iraq? It was the only Arabic nation where Al Qaeda didn't dare to operate!!
Surely not for political self glory and rich oil fields?
Why was Afghanistan invaded after the 9/11 events? After all Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were more complicit. The former for harbouring Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, the latter for bankrolling the terrorists and supplying the majority of the perpetrators.
The only possible answer is "self survival of the politicians"..


Agree 100%…absolutely correct in every detail!


This has been the commentary of those of us that have seen war since 2001, it was a criminal offense, not a military action.

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