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LINK Idaho: How Anti-Vaxx Dr Ryan Cole Got on Health Board in COVID Crisis

In Boise, Idaho, a doctor in a lab coat offered comforting words to concerned parents and school governors about COVID-19 restrictions for the new semester.

"There's really statistically no efficacy in masks," Dr. Ryan Cole said airily, and incorrectly, on an August 26
call with Peace Valley Charter School, which was deciding what measures to implement when lessons restarted.

"I think we need to be prudent and say it's time to let children be children," Cole said.

Cole's specialism is dermopathology — a discipline focused on diseases of the skin which has little relevance to respiratory conditions like COVID-19.

snytiger6 9 Sep 15

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How is saying that masks offer little protection a form of anti-vax? Dr. Fauci himself echoed those same sentiments in private emails. Some of the most stringent mandates in places like New York still see rising COVID cases. When did disagreeing with idiotic policies make you an anti-vaxxer!


And he, along with the rest of the board, will have no culpability for the illnesses and deaths that result. With a 39% vaccination rate, the Idaho fools that elected them will probably vote for them again next time around.


He needs to catch covid and die.

Hopefully really slow……..and painfully.


He's not only antivaxxer he's antimask. He's a Covid denier. I bet he's all about Ivermectin.


They make top 5 dummy states on Covid. In no particular order: Florida, Texas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Idaho.

But Wait! You forgot Alabama!


Idaho says it all

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 15, 2021

Knowing Idahoians they pick the people they deserve.

Say the same with California picking idiots like Gavin Newsom


Yea……if you need a plumber call a cashier. Fuckin’ idiot.

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