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FDA advisers reject Biden’s plan to offer Pfizer boosters for all, embraces 3rd shots for older, at-risk Americans only


xenoview 8 Sep 17

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It's right

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 18, 2021

Makes sense to me to offer boosters (or 3rd shot) in the same order as the first dose was rolled out, with the elderly and immuno-compromised first. The rest of us can wait a bit until the science shows it's time for the younger, healthier folks.

For me I'm happy to wait a while longer, in hopes that my brand (Moderna) might offer a 3rd shot of a slightly tweaked vaccine to combat the newer strains better. Seems to be a balancing act. I watch what the doctors say pretty closely, so I know how confident I can be in my safety to gather with family members who are too young to be vaccinated -- I'm still being super careful around all people, vaccinated or not.

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