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LINK Amazon is lobbying the US government to make pot legal

Amazon can afford to lobby the feds. Amazon under President You-Know-Who's tax reform, paid no taxes.

Mooolah 8 Sep 21

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Amazon is an interesting platform that is a worldwide sales giant. It seems to me that for those who are doing this it would be useful to know about I've been using this site for a long time to resell old stuff. It's a good setup for things in the house and good money for things you don't use so for me it's the best way to passive income.


Amazon paid no taxes legally last year. It is almost a monopoly. That is due to someone's tax law change in the previous administration (I ca n not utter his name or I'll vomit). I do not hold Amazon at fault for taking advantage of the law. I blame President YOU_KNOW_WHO. Besos went into space with his billions which does take the onus off of NASA which is tax payer funded. So he is advancing science none the less with tax payer money that he did not have to pay. Someone else had to pick up his dime. He picked up NASA's. His view on cannabis is in line with my own. Highest incarceration rate in the world. How many are non violent, cannabis possession felons, of color Mr. Biden? Let my people GROW!


They want to sell it online.

I want to buy it online. =0}


Translation Amazon is lobbying for the chance to charge more commission.

Generally speaking, on many products (by no means all!) I find Amazon to have the best price, and it sure beats lugging, for example, a new lawnmower home by myself....there it is on the front porch, yippee!

AmaZon’s prices are sometimes better than the the parent store’s.

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