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Have you heard the news? We can all be saved!!!!!
Seems we just have to follow a few simple rules

  1. Thou shalt be vaccinated
  2. Thou shall avoid crowds and unnecessary human contact
  3. Thou shall wear nose and mouth coverings whilst indoors
  4. Thou shalt practice good hygiene
  5. Thou shall not question any measure done in the name of "public safety"
  6. if ill, thou shall seek self banishment

So spread the news but beware, there are unbelievers out there who don't believe the "TRUTH". But it's ok to exclude them from your life. They are dirty and unclean and seek to destroy the one, true way as shown to us

PS Trying our hardest on how to include children so they also know the "truth" and be saved. Working on it. Don't want to exclude anyone and be seen as intolerant now would we?.

powder 8 Oct 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Your deliberate distortions are both ridiculous and immoral.

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