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glennlab 10 Oct 10

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Rebuilding is the key

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 10, 2021

I went to therapy after my divorce and was led to understand that my parents destroyed me with their narcissistic neglect and demands and my husband with his abuse. I kept on doing my best until I no longer saw the point. Kids are grown and alienated and I can’t see grandkid because her mother is another narcissist. My therapist keeps saying they’ll come back to me but I’m not optimistic.

I don’t know who I am but I keep trying to make myself happy to heal the CPTSD I have. I keep thinking the nightmares and flashbacks are caused by my brain trying to work through my traumas but waking up crying is a heavy price to pay.




We never understand ourselves fully. Some things cause us to be much more aware of ourselves and experiences

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