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Sadly announced today the death of the Chieftains founder Paddy Maloney

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You sure it's not Fulla Baloney?

Let's see if the President notices let alone publicly comments on your death.

How sad.

Nope, that title belongs solely and irrevocably to the State of Florida, you know the place, its the one on a map that resembles a very limp, flaccid penis.

@Triphid I thought all 52 or is it 53 states shared that particular epigram?

@FrayedBear No not really, though IF you look at the outline and shape of Florida in conjunction with the rest of continental U.S.A. you can see what I'm referring to, with Texarse resembling an Anus of a male person straining to drop a log....LOL.

@Triphid aha, I simply meant the expression"Fulla Baloney" not boarder outline shapes.

@Triphid Baloney of course is a form of processed meat like our devon or Strasbourg -


@FrayedBear Up here we call it Fritz.

@Triphid fritz , Strasbourg, devon they are all unhealthy.

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