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What are your opinions on "moral luck?"

I was just learning about it on YouTube.

"Moral responsibility are acts or states of affairs for which you can be praised or blamed. All of our factors affect the morality of our actions. But if they're out of out control, does moral praise and blame even make sense? You're only morally required to do things that are possible for you."- Crash Course Philosophy

Sarahroo29 8 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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BTW I'm really enjoying your philosophy course.



Morallity is contingent.
Is it moral to kill babies? Not abort, kill infants and young children.
In our current society I hope the answer continues to be a very adamant no. But when the Hansel and Gretel story first arose in Europe killing the youngest and oldest was absolutely moral when the survival of the whole family unit was imperilled through the extra non-productive drain on resources.
Would anyone praise people for such an action, even though it is moral in the circumstance? I would argue that Hansel and Gretel proves that they would not. They may make up comforting fairy tales that acknowledge the pain of the situation but praise or blame both seem out of place.
BTW the "witch" is another acknowledgement of the place of the elderly in this calculation. You find the same motif in Australian Aboriginal legend. Another group regularly faced with this "dreadful calculus of necessity" (Pratchett, T. Snuff, 2011)

Wow. I like your comment.


If you don't have the skills to be moral then you can't be immoral? How about if you don't have the skills to be moral but you have the knowledge or recognition that you're being immoral. Knowledge and skill are not the same.

I agree.


ooowww my head hurts I don't understand I just do my best if its not good enough I'm sorry but I can't do better and to judge me would be a big wrongy - 'hang about is that what youre saying?'

I'm not judging anyone.

No my lovely I meant is it what you are saying that to judge me would be a big mistake?-

@jacpod Oh, yes.


It's an interesting subject. I suppose that attempted murder should be punished the same as murder. Why give a lesser punishment due to incompetence or luck?

Yep. Good comment.


Excuse me ??

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