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For the more spiritual members

What is your definition of Spiritual? Can it be tested using the Scientific Method?

Thank you in advance. I am truly curious and am not interested in picking your belief apart.
{{Edit for clarity}}
Ah, but what is the Spirit for you? Is it simply the individual frequency of a being? A seperate part of the whole, yet connected? Is it an emotion, consciousness or simply the subconscious that only exists because of your physical processes or autonomous and separate from the physical? Is it unchanging energy or does it evolve and/or does it dissipate?{{End Edit}}

If you are not Spiritual and choose to respond to a comment, please refrain from ad hominem attacks. A great response brings the discussion deeper for a better understanding.

NotConvinced 7 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I can agree totally with the meme posted here. As for spiritual, being "spiritual" can mean anything that you want it to mean. I've met many over the years that claim to be spiritual.


I put a comment somewhere on here doing my best to answer that.
Gaia is a network of various videos and such that I find worth subscribing to.
The comment below is interesting. There is actually a metaphysical chapel up here in Northern Virginia.
Scientists are truly starting to discover what we would consider spirituality on the level of quantum physics. You have to search for the evidence but it is out there.


Sure you can be spiritual without belief in a God. For instance, the spirit can be conceived of that aspect of our consciousness that is explicitly non-material. Things like your personalities and the relationships we form between others and even the land. Spirituality is something non-empirical that retains an intrinsic or even an existential value. This may sound like a vague answer, but there are certainly things that exist without a definite rational explanation that don’t lend themselves easily to scientific inquiry (for instance, visions produced by psychedelic drugs or hallucinations produced from trance states). Philosophical Idealism is worth looking into.


I feel a deep connection to "something" when I'm in wilderness. Perhaps it is cellular memory but it's almost a tangible feeling. And that is when I wonder.


So far as I know, there is really no good scientific evidence that the materialist view of reality is correct. There is also no good evidence for a bible-style God who rewards and punishes. What there is is a lot of fragmentary evidence suggesting something that transcends our material world; evidence like ESP, and small children who remember past lives. And yes, the scientific method can be used to investigate that evidence. Here is an 18 minute video by the world's leading scientist who takes that viewpoint:

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