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LINK The NDE Zone: Connected by the Light from the Cosmic to the Subatomic | Mark Anthony

My Neural Network theory has been picked up and is now being studied. It's called EMS but I'm not going to argue details. This is like hearing one's song on the radio for the first time.

rainmanjr 8 Oct 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Count me a skeptic. I could almost hear the Yani music playing in the background.
I can appreciate conjecture. It is a big part of human creativity. But at some point, if your goal is increasing understanding,vthat conjecture needs support from coherent factual evidence. All this guy provides us is wild stretches and complete fabrications.
Not worth the effort to argue with someone determined to believe. That is rather like arguing the non-existance of god(s).

It seemed to me that he is factual. EMS is my NN theory except that I think it's a parasite, not just an organic aspect of biology, but I also submit only for consideration.


New age twaddle. Sometimes I wish I was ten again too, but then I think that it is still better to live my age.

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