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A fascinating, old street in Durham, England.

Petter 9 Oct 20

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seems like the street is ready for the rain with ready-made-hanging-umbrellas for passers-by.


This is why there are umbrellas in Durham. []
I love google.

Google can be most informative. This article was written on July 17th, 2019. The brollies were meant to be up only for that summer. They're still there, 2½ years later!!



bobwjr Level 10 Oct 20, 2021

I want a street of umbrellas but are windy climate would never let it stay.

I often wonder how those umbrellas stay put, because Durham can be very windy. They must have exttemely strong cables.


Umbrellas lend a lighthearted mood to that thoroughfare.

They certainly do.


Why the umbrellas?

I haven't the faintest idea. I do know that they have been there a long time. I saw them on a visit 3 years ago!
Maybe it's a sly dig to do with the UK weather. But the west coast is a lot wetter.


The ghost of mary poppins!!

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