A group of pastors who think Jesus's love is all about ramping up the hate.
Yes. Let’s Go Brandon! Joe Biden is probably the most incompetent president in history, that’s even going back as far as Warren G. Harding and James Buchanan.
If you want a recent example of recent incompetence, Trump could not even name the three branches of government. He had no idea how our government is supposed to work.
You have his former white house staff members writing tell all books about the chaos in the Trump white house. You may say they were just trying to make money, but their accounts also all agree with and compliment each other.
Trump has always been incompetent. Virtually all of his businesses failed, and his real estate holdign are over leveraged (have too much debt). He cheated on his taxes for years and then sought out a public position that would put him under great scrutiny, and so his tax cheating cane out.
Trump is just an idiot who was born into money, who puts on a facade that fools many people.
Even the producers of "The Apprentice" said they constantly had to "edit for logic", because what Trump actually said and did, often made no sense.
Before he got elected, Trump was had on average three lawsuits filed against him every week, by employees, contractors and business partners.
Trump himself is not competent, but his lawyers are. Otherwise he'd be in prison for criminal corruption and tax evasion.
@snytiger6 must watch a lot of CNN. When Trump was in office, the border was secure. The economy was booming. Lowest unemployment in history including blacks, young blacks, women, Hispanics, etc. Three lawsuits a week? Doubt it. Trump turned $10 million into a multi-billion dollar empire. Trump made headway with North Korea. Trump defeated ISIS. He also appointed three Supreme Court Justices. Didn’t cheat on his taxes. Anyone can take advantage of tax loopholes. “Three branches of government?” Probably propaganda piece from CNN. Most of all, Trump projected strength on the world stage. Fuel prices were lower under him. The US was even a net energy exporter under Trump.
Biden, on the other hand, has been described by the Arab world as “a woman ready to be mounted.” With his cornholio impression, Biden asked at his most recent town hall “what am I doing here?” His senior moments are not a one-off thing. He often talks about conducting a train which he never did. In less than a year, inflation is at an all-time high. While worker shortages and supply shortages are rampant, he wants idiotic vaccine mandates implemented. He has not gotten COVID under control. Trump has left many Americans behind in a botched evacuation in Afghanistan. Under Biden, the Taliban has taken control and now ISIS is insurgent again. Biden has tried to implement farm aid based upon race but luckily SCOTUS bitch-slapped him on it. Biden had made the Southern Border into a leaky sieve. Millions of undocumented and unvaccinated illegals have poured over with impunity. Name thing that Biden has done well except turn everything into a giant goat fuck
By the way, if you are going to scrape the bottom of the barrel for gaffs relating to Trump, your liberal dreamboat Obama once said that there were “57 states.”
@Heavykevy1985 Before Trump left office the economy was declining, because he mishandled the pandemic.
Trump inherited over 400 million from his father. Trump's only successful venture was his "reality" TV show, which as I said before, the producers said had to be "edited for logic" because Trump was erractic and his decisions didn't really make sense.
The global supply chains have been interrupted by the pandemic. This started back while Trump was still president. Lack of supply increases prices causing inflation.
You can take some things Biden said out of context, but Trump said many crazy things fully in context. Here is a very small sample of examples. [irishpost.com]
No need to scrape the bottom of the barrel as Trump gaffs and misstatements are so plentiful. There are entire websites that are only about Trump's gaffs and lies. Let me point out that no president has told as many lies as Trump did, and I expect he will hold that record probably as long as the U.S. will be in existence.
The Obama gaff you referenced was a slip of the tongue while he was exhausted from campaigning. I don't think Trump can claim exhaustion as he has taken more vacations than any other president. And, BTW, Obama was to me a bit disappointing in his performance. He campaigned as liberal, but once in office he was totally moderate at best. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was actually first put together by a far right conservative group, The Heritage Foundation, as a counter proposal to "Hillarycare" back when Clinton was president. I thought it was a very poor plan, but just happened to be slightly better than what we had before.
As for things Biden has done well. His vaccine roll out was done well. Trump just planned to give money to the states and let them take care of vaccinating people, with no guidance or over all plan for implementing vaccinations.
The "goat fuck" as you put it, resulted from Trump ignoring the pandemic and saying it would somehow "magically go away". So the pandemic spread causing shutdowns and interruptions to the supply chain, and short supplies caused increases in prices (inflation). Trump had a little more than a year to fuck things up. Biden has only been in office a little more than nine months. A great deal of what Biden has done has been in fixing or trying to fix, the things that Trump got wrong.
One unexp0ected recent event is that people who are unhappy with their jobs are just quittign and walking away. In short, employees are just fed up with beign treated like crap and aren't interested in a new job that isn't much better. I see this as a natural result of corporations treating people like interchangeable object with no respect over a long period, and employees have just gotten fed up with not beign valued, and so they have chosen to walk away, causing a shortage in labor. I don't see this changing very quickly as long as corporation keep prioritizing profits over their own people. It has nothing to do with who the current president is.
@snytiger6 no. He only was given $10 million by his father and turned it into a billion dollar empire. That vaccine rollout was due to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. Even going back as far as the Spanish flu pandemic, the responsibility of the management of diseases are up to the states, per the Tenth Amendment. No, Biden wants more lockdowns, the same ones that blue state governors like Whitmer and Newsom implemented while Trump was in office. Trump did the best he could, despite fierce resistance from the Democrats and RINOs in the GOP like Romney. Biden has done far more damage in his 9 months than anyone, especially starting with shutting down more natural gas drilling, all the while allowing Russia to outflank us with their Nordstream pipeline. Lastly, corporations? The same ones that donate a lot to Biden like Goldman-Sachs and the Silicon Valley giants like Facebook? Idiots like Biden incentivize people to sit on their ass and collect a welfare check all the while cause it more jobs to disappear with the vaccine mandates. Everything Biden has done has been an abysmal failure.
@snytiger6 even with the mainstream media acting as a mouthpiece for his administration and giving him cover, Silicon Valley censoring dissidents, Hollywood never-ending propaganda machine, and academia trying to insert their ideology into education, he still royally fucks things up
@Heavykevy1985 Have you even read what you posted. You sound quite a bit like a conspiracy nut.
BTW, when Trump tightened the border, farmers had crops rot in the fields, because there was nobody to harvest them, which led to the start of higher food prices, years before Biden came into office.
Of course it seems for you, the actual facts don't matter. If the news goes against what you believe then it is a conspiracy of "... the mainstream media acting as a mouthpiece for his administration and giving him cover, Silicon Valley censoring dissidents, Hollywood never-ending propaganda machine, and academia trying to insert their ideology into education,..." Any excuse will do, so long as your side isn't at fault.
@snytiger6 so instead of engaging my claims, you instead are going to call me a “conspiracy nut.” No, it is a conspiracy. Even data shows that over 90% of coverage for Donald Trump was negative. Cry me a river about the crops. So you are for illegals getting exploited and having no recourse so hipsters like you can eat your already overpriced salads? Give me a break. They can apply through the H1 Visa program. Illegals depress wages for American workers. Food prices and other goods overall were cheaper with Trump, all the while, out of control inflation is skyrocketing the price on goods in toto including fuel. By the way, Let’s Go Brandon!!!
@Heavykevy1985 BTW, Trump intended to pull the troops out of Afghanistan much faster than Biden did, and the end result would have been the same if not worse. Trump was really pissed when the generals told him it could be done on the time table Trump wanted.
Yes, outside of Fox News, 90% of coverage in news about Trump was negative, because he lied more than any other president, made more negative comments about others than any other president, complemented and adored brutal dictators, and made lots of bad decisions and said a lot of ridiculous things. Trump had no decorum whatsoever, no concept of history or historical context(s), and represented some of the worst of human nature. And, let's not forget his false claims of "election fraud" even though every lawsuit he filed in the courts regarding election fraud were all dismissed due to lack of evidence. Yet, withnout evidence he continues to make the same false claims. Trump originally promised he'd be right there with with the rioters on Jan. 6th, but his advisors talked him out of it.
If Trump is the best republicans can do, then this country is doomed, because in order to have a legitimate discussion, both sides, republians and democrats, have to be rational.
@snytiger6 no. Trump signed an agreement with the Taliban, Afghan government, warlords, and the US to pull out May 1. Biden did not want Trump to take credit for anything positive so he pushed the withdraw on 9/11, pissing off the parties involved and Bide bungled the evacuation. Why should they honor their end of the bargain when Biden spat in their face, still leaving civilians behind and billions in equipment. This is Biden’s goatfuck. The Democrats are disjointed and have a senile dickhead in the White House. Biden challenges people to push-up contests and is easily agitated when he is not asked the unscripted questions from the approved reporters of Jen “circle back” Psaki. Lied about what? The lying came primarily came from the press, a press that lost all credibility with him in office including Piss Gate, muh Russia, Muh Ukraine, Stormy Daniels, the fake insurrections, etc. Trump is an iconoclast and disrupter. Fine by me. Biden has decorum? He looked like Cornholio at the town hall with Glanderson Pooper trying to cover up his blunders. “What am I doing here?” Asked Biden. Let’s go Brandon.
Sad but oh so true!
@Redheadedgammy Qanon and Evangelitards in particular.
@CuddyCruiser and a few wing nuts on here, apparently
@NoSheep Unfortunately. But we should do our best to ignore them. If no one acknowledges them they won’t stick around.