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LINK Who Cares If Anti-Vaxxers Quit Their Jobs? - National Memo

From the article:

"As we watch a parade of unreasonable people needlessly blow up their careers and walk away from good paying jobs with excellent benefits, the questions that linger are, should we care, and should this trend be breathlessly treated as Big News by the media? Should we care that a tiny percentage is embracing rabbit-hole conspiracies about a vaccine that nearly 200 million Americans have safely taken? Should we care that they've decided to believe non-stop lies to the point where they'll likely be unemployable for months, and maybe years to come?"

FTR, I don't care.

redbai 8 Oct 26

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People shouldn't be forced to be in close contact with disease-ridden troglodytes, especially in their place of work.


Me Too!


Ask Darwin

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 26, 2021

I have a feeling the number of people that quit their job is much less than the media depicts. I don't remember the exact company but some big health company lost 135 of their employees because they would not get vaccinated. That sounds huge untill someone tells you that they had 36,000 employees.


Let darwin sort the dumbfucks out


People who quit rather than get vaccinated are fools.


There is nobody who can't be replaced, by someone who can do the job better.

And if an employer had been unlucky enough to employ an anti-vaxer, then they have probably spent the last five years thinking. "I wish they would find another job or do something really bad , so that I can sack them."

That employer POV actually hadn't occurred to me, but you're probably right.

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