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Can I get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot? Latest guidelines for recipients of Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson


xenoview 8 Oct 26

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I plan on getting my moderna booster in late december. An I will keep getting boosters every 6 months after that, if that is what they (CDC) say needs to be done to not get covid.


You should have no trouble getting a booster. You should be able to go to one of the participating drug stores.


I got my Moderna booster Sunday, and as usual felt like hell for a couple of days, but it's worth it to be protected.

They’re starting to administer them here. I Hope to get an appointment soon.

Curious if you got the half dose for your 3rd shot and still felt ill? For me, I'm wavering between getting my booster of 1/2 dose Moderna, or mixing it up with a full dose of J&J, since trials show the combination strategy looks like stronger efficacy.

I'm due for my booster anytime this week and beyond having had 2 Moderna shots 6+ months ago. I want to do it on a day I'm not working the next, in case I feel cruddy afterward.

I think I'll discuss my decision with my kids to get their input. I'm excited that my grandkids might be geting vaccinated in the next couple of weeks. I might plan to do it on the same day for some family solidarity.

With the half-dose booster I felt just exactly half as bad as I did after the second full-strength shot 7 months ago. Back then I was flat on my back for 2.5 days, with a fever and no energy. After the booster, I had a low-grade fever and really sore arm, but was able to walk around and do usual chores. Luckily I'm semi-retired. I read that women tend to get more severe after-effects than men, for some unknown reason.

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