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Best computer

I need to replace my Dell (HDMI port is broken). Any suggestions?

duchessa1 7 Oct 28

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Can't you just cast?


If you have a spare usb socket get an hdmi:usb converter []

I tried but the image is poor...

@duchessa1 take the fly's suggestion & just have teckie replace the broken socket or video card.
I'm told that there are few new computers that have hdmi sockets these days. Seemingly now using blutooth or wifi to connect.

@duchessa1 the latest offering on Indiegogo is []

The smallest version only being about $US 160.

@FrayedBear To replace the broken port costs around $ 300.00; not worthy.
The HDMI ports are in the computer for the las 10+ years.

@duchessa1 get a new one or more modern 2nd hand. The Indiegogo offer has an hdmi 4K port.

@FrayedBear I will get a new one in two months. Thanks for the help.


Univac 2000

How about a colossus?

I always said people recommend nothing else but what they feel comfortable related to.


A useful resource if they can deliver given today's delivery bottlenecks.

The Freegeek people make cynicism hard to justify.

@yvilletom It's not a matter of "justification" but of showing what they are.


Tell how you use your computer and you’ll get better recommendations. HDMI suggests movies.

HDMI provides much brightness....which is what I need. I use my puter for teaching as well as entertainment.

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