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Remember that Twilight Zone episode "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street"? I think that's a perfect analogy for U. S. politics today. There's so much "othering" going on. While I might vehemently disagree with you, it shouldn't require me to see you as something less worthy of respect and fairness.

towkneed 7 Oct 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, I tried.


I cannot respect the greedy, the ignorant, and the stupid. As we have seen in the past and continuing through to the present, greed, ignorance, and sheer stupidity kill. They kill democracy, decency, and worst of all, they kill people. FUCK'EM!!!


Ummm.....those are noble sentiments, and I agree it might have been that way once upon a time, but not anymore. I'm in Trump Country, and I know what they think of liberal socialists like me, so though I keep my mouth shut when out in public and smile politely when necessary,, I absolutely hate them with their ignorant ideas and their screwed-up religion, It goes WAY beyond having a civilized, genteel difference in views, which we discuss together amicably as equals, then part ways as friends.
Right-wingers have nothing intelligent to say, so why should I bother listening? Similarly, if I tried to engage them on anything more complicated than the weather, I'm sure they not only not listen, they'd probably follow me home and burn my house down.
Nope, sorry, no respect from me.


Um, no. The Republicans call liberals communists, but embrace a Russian stooge. That's treason. They admire the wholesale corruption of 45. Those same Republicans now embrace the voter suppression, gerrymandering, intimidation and a host of other immoral behaviors in the name of their fake morality; A morality which is as fake and hypocritical as can be. Those same Republicans also embrace and approve of insurrection, deflecting their sedition with BS whataboutism. It is the Republicans, and ONLY the Republicans that have fully given themselves over to the Russian cult. OK, correction, the Republicans and a handful of Democrats. The bottom line is that the Republicans embrace the destruction of the country, and pretend it's all to the good.

The false equivalence horse-shit doesn't cut it, and only demonstrates the shamelessness of those that parrot it.

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