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Jon Stewart DISMANTLES Treasury Sec Janet Yellen: 'It's NOT Free Market' | The Kyle Kulinski Show

JJ-Baltazar 6 Nov 5

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Of all the TV Comedians Jon has the best presentation and stays on topic.
No one can be a hero in every category of social discourse, one is good when effective.
Jon did so much for 9/11 respondents when no one else could make headway.
Jon is a fine example of how to get NECESSARY STUFF done, just like everyone else one project at a time, while keeping up with all the situations that could be the next project.


I love Jon Stewart.

I've missed him. His new show appears to be more of a serious vein compared to CC. However, I'm not going to get Apple TV.

@ChurchLess me either but I subscribe to him on YouTube.


Kyle Kulinski is not my favorite guy.

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