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Vermont has the highest vaccination rate in the country. So why are cases surging?


xenoview 8 Nov 13

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The article said it’s hitting hardest the stubbornly unvaccinated, young children that haven’t been vaccinated yet, and 20-year-olds that are gathering. The vaccinated that are getting Covid are having mild symptoms. It seems like a shocking headline for grabbing attention. Vermont is still connected to a country that has 25% of the world’s Covid with 4% of the world’s population.


Because the vaccine is retarded. Not as retarded as the people that thinks it works, but still retarded

The vaccine for covid works. 90% of the covid cases in hospitals are unvaccinated.

@xenoview We’re down to nine Covid patients and 5 have been vaccinated. But hey, watch more CNN.

@CourtJester 90% of the people in the hospital are unvaccinated. The vaccine helps to not get sick as bad as an unvaccinated person.

@xenoview not what I’m seeing

@CourtJester You listing to fixed news?


@xenoview I’m working in a hospital 6 days a week. I don’t watch much news.


MAGA's hoping to 'own-the-libs' by refusing vaccination got away with their misbehavior when Covid didn't cause everyone to be a super-spreader. However, Delta comes close to doing just that - - Those infected now spread much larger quantities of virus. It may be hard for the unvaccinated populations to avoid getting infected; the spike in infections seen last winter is starting up and it could get ugly for these political activists (euphemism).


Because a huge percentage of Americans have actively resisted efforts to fight Covid? was this a trick question?


Ask the 28% of Vermonters who aren't vaccinated.

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