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Trump fanatic Michael Flynn Demands ‘One religion under God’ at far-right rally. Calls for the nation to have a ‘single religion’. []

CuddyCruiser 8 Nov 14

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Please explain why you think he this should not happen?


He is calling for the abolition of the Bill of Rights. I call for the abolition of his pension!


I have been saying it is like their 1861 again to win the lost war by capturing all levers of democracy... legally. We need to wake up and crush them now instead of venting and ranting.

America is not well, it is sick.


Just like a Trumper - only wants to follow certain parts of the Constitution (and Bible) and to hell with the rest of it.

dkp93 Level 8 Nov 14, 2021

I think I know where Flynn comes from.


The Amerikkkan Taliban in action.

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