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Those who keep saying there's not "a dimes worth of difference" between Democrats and Republicans need to have their heads examined.
Even saying 97% of scientists agree climate change is manmade is a lie. Except for a handful of quacks paid off by the oil industry, the number sounding the alarm is more like 99.9%. REAL deniers virtually don't exist, unless you count Republican members of Congress and their brainless followers.
Republicans are the biggest bloc of deniers in the U.S., in fact, the ONLY bloc. Globally, it's rightists in oil-prodicing, countries carrying the water for those same multinational oil giants.
I'll bet the execs of those giants all have fancy underground bunkers waiting for them when the shit hits the fan.
President Biden just put the U.S. back on record as being FOR curbing emissions, which unfortunately the Republicans will promptly reverse once again when/if they're back in power.
Say one more time all politicians are all the same and I might go postal!

I'm not saying there's NO difference- there is some. But they are both corporate puppets.

@JonnaBononna Respectfully, that's bullshit, excuse my French. The Democrats were the ones pushing for campaign finance reform, the first time was 1974, after Watergate. The second was McCain-Feingold in 2002, which worked passably well until Citizens United blew THAT out of the water. And today, who do you think is trying to get something back on the books and who's standing in the way? Take a wild guess.
The only reason Dems are in that game is because it's either that or turn out the lights, the party's over. A lot of Dems, and Sanders, try to take small donations only, which is noble, but a losing battle, unfortunately.
The only way to get the kind of money needed is to go just one place.. But I'd bet you everything I have (which isn't much) there's a big difference in their donor lists.


Like big tobacco.


They have known and have continued to whitewash the facts by offering plausible explanations, even though they were highly improbable

There ARE no other plausible explanations.
They don't care. Implausible ones will do.


I agree, it is really nothing.

Climate change is happening. Huge forests have been eliminated in civilizations even before the Roman times for thousands of years. We have fucked up the balance for thousands of years. That's how civilizations happened and we don't live in caves and jungles any more. The wood house you live in is a climate diaster. Don't live there.

But the high hype of climate diaster that we have created is a big bs. "Scientists" predicted end of the world 11 times in the last 70 years and NOT ONE came even remotely true. Birds are singing and the Sun is shining. "Scientists" have also sold us many terribly harmful things in the name of science.

And if the climate change is very serious, humans saving the huge planet of blue earth is laughable. The world of all advanced nations cannot tell a tiny warring country or a dictator to stop massacring its people in 80 years and they are going "collectively" save the big blue planet with its huge oceans, mountains, rivers, millions of species and 7 bill people. Wow. There is no bigger joke than that. Try North Korea first. Just one small nation. Try that.

Wait, there is a bigger joke. You all fell for the drum beating just like you bought those harmful products. Nice. Iraq war happened with lies the same way. Drum beating and "evidence". We all said... Yes, yes, attack Iraq, we made movies of Iraq war heroes and later found out that it was all a big terrible lie. How did that feel? Climate change is just like that. It is a hocus-focus created with big drum beating to create new industries and products. The Earth is fine. Just behave responsibly.

Say the fossil fuel is harmful but stop the stupid hype of "the world is ending" coz the wolf hasn't come in 80 years and he isn't coming...

Come on people, stop being a herd.

Humans are destroying it, why couldn't we save it? Although we won't destroy the earth, only ourselves. Then the earth will thrive.

What planet are You living on ?


Looks as easy as you said it, doesn't it?

Voluntary destruction together is easy. Saving together with high conflicts of interests is impossible - especially a huge planet.

Try stopping North Korea first. Just one tiny country.


Same planet as you but I live as a free thinker and don't follow the drum beats like others. I think and am not in your herd. I know there is junk science, pseudo science, sponsored science, fabrication, fringe science, publication bias and science. Just saying science does not make it good.

Is this the same St Sinner who claims all politicians are the same?
And who's this "you all?" Most people here didn't fall for W.'s lies when he got us into the Iraq War. Oh, and WE bought those harmful products? YOU are not included? YOU don't buy gas for your car, or plastics at the store? It takes GOVERNMENT ACTION to change course, and it sure isn't DEMOCRATS who are standing in the way.
Just stop with the false equivalency, and lumping everybody (except you) together and throwing them all in the same box. You're just as bad as the deniers with your cynical "a pox on both their houses" phony outrage.


No, he claims that Democrat voters glorify weak, meek, old and frail leaders who are good at losing. Therefore they are not the same.


Need a government action?

Get all governments around the world together and show you can stop North Korea from exploiting, enslaving and killing its people. It is happening every day for the last 70 years. We will talk about the big blue beautiful Earth later.

Save the Earth? Are you reading too many comics? No government, no activists, no priest, no medicine man, no shaman, no swami, no Svengali, no miracle, no church or temple can save the Earth. You can just live here and can live responsibly. Leave saving to Superman in the comics.


I had an opportunity to ask Arco CEO Lod Cook what would happen if global warming came to pass. At first he got angry that thinking the question was an accusation, rather than a hypothetical. When I reiterated and clarified the question, he calmed down and said that he believed that people would adapt to its effects, but also that the use of oil was too great to be replaced.

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