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Racial tension at the gym. Darn it, it was my fault.

Yesterday I went to the YMCA to use the rowing machine and lift weights. The only other people in the gym were a black couple pushing a baby carriage. They were lifting weights. As I rowed, I heard their baby gurgling. I love babies.

"May I please see your cutie pie?" I asked the father. Immediately he looked down and began scrambling in his pockets. I didn't understand his reaction. We were both wearing masks. Apparently he didn't understand what I said.

His wife saved me. "Do you want to see our baby?" "Yes, please!" Their six-week baby was adorable. "Look at her big brown eyes! She's beautiful." We chatted about being new mothers. I praised her for working out six weeks after giving birth.

"It took me three weeks to realize I could take a shower when Claire was fed and dry," I told her. She laughed. "I put her in the bathroom in her baby carrier. The steam did her good."

"I thought you wanted my key card," the father told me as I left the room. To check if he was a legitimate YMCA member? He saw me as the police. I must talk louder when wearing a mask.

I felt heartbroken. What's it like for black people to live in constant tension in white society? Exhausting. I'm sure it's relief to be with other black people who understand.

In the 2020 census, black people were three percent of the population in Chelan County.

With the appalling Kyle Rittenhouse murder acquittal, seems like it's open season on protesters for racial justice.

LiterateHiker 9 Nov 19

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That saddens me so, though you clearly handled the brief discomfort beautifully. I just watched the movie "Passing", based on a 1929 novel of the black struggles in a different time. A somber, gripping film with some great acting, that knocks humility out of the park.


Thank you, dear.


Kathleen, you’re a lovely well spoken woman, and I’m sure you’ve made some new friends. And yes, you’re right. Daily life for most all Black people is exhausting. Thank goodness for people like you is all I can say. 😘


Thank you, dear. Your kind words warm my heart.


They go through hell good for you

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 19, 2021


Thank you, Bob. You helped me feel better.


It was just a small misunderstanding. Although you wouldn't ask what he was thinking, many people did it before and, as force of habit, he went to search his key card. Don't blame yourself on this.


Thank you. You helped me feel better.

No problem.


The prosecutions own witnesses lent credibility to Rittenhouses self defense claims. If they had a case for the charges against the defendant, they sure did a shitty job of presenting it....🤔


I knew Kyle Rittenhouse would be acquitted when the judge ruled people he shot and murdered cannot be called "victims." Instead they had to be called "looters" and "rioters." It was an almost an all-white jury, too.

They failed to present a case, regardless of wether or not the prosecution could use the word “victims” or not....🤔

Hell I would convict the little prick just for looking like an arrogant jerk!? But that’s now how the system is supposed to work. The prosecution is supposed to present a case for guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, which they did not....🤨

@LiterateHiker I also knew that same very thing. The courtroom could not have been much different Kyle and the judge were father and son.

I do believe the judge helped poison the case from the beginning when he told prosecutors they couldn’t use the word “victim”, but the defense could certainly use the words “rioter,” etc. The prosecutor wasn’t good at presenting his case, but he was also hamstrung by the judge.

@Redheadedgammy Not being able to call them victims hardly hamstrung the prosecution, fact! 😉

@Buck Words matter, and I believe we all know how Innuendo works. The Fact remains, had that punk not been there trying to be a Vigilante two people would not have been murdered!

@Redheadedgammy I agree he’s a punk, and I also agree if he wasn’t trying to be a vigilante that people wouldn’t have been “shot”.
Unfortunately that doesn’t change the fact that the prosecution failed to make their case!😉

@Redheadedgammy As far as your statement that words matter, they aren’t “victims” until it’s proven in court to be the case.😉

@Buck The victims were murdered by being shot, why is that hard to say?

@Redheadedgammy They are only “victims” if it was cold blooded murder. Why is that so hard for you to accept?

Like it or not, they aren’t victims unless they were murdered, which the court failed to prove!🙃

If the prosecution had a case, they would have won with or without using the word victim, true story.🙃

@Buck Looked pretty “cold blooded “ to me. I call it as I see it.

@Redheadedgammy Looked cold blooded? The prosecutions OWN witnesses testified that the initial shots were fired as individuals were trying to take his gun from him. You clearly didn’t follow the trial, or only see what you want to see....👀

@Redheadedgammy You can blame it on the prosecution not being able to use certain language during the trial if you wish. But they lost because their witnesses bolstered the defenses claims, and they failed to make their case, no other reason is needed.😉

@Buck I watched the whole trial, I am retired so have the time, and saw everything that was presented. What I saw was people trying to disarm someone who was escalating the tension and fear already present in the situation. The kid put himself where he should not have been. Let’s agree we disagree and leave it at that.

@Redheadedgammy He clearly wasn’t the only person who put himself somewhere he shouldn’t have been. And if you watched the whole trial, then you are aware the prosecution made a shitty case for the charges. Hell I wanted the kid to fry as much as anybody. But there’s not a chance in hell I would have convicted him after hearing all the witnesses and testimony....🤔
If you could put your emotions aside for a spell, you will agree the prosecution failed to make their case.....🤔

@Redheadedgammy All the defense has to show in a criminal case to win is “reasonable doubt”. There was all kinds of reasonable doubt in this case, and that’s a fact! 😉

@Buck I understand. Just to bad the prosecutor was so bad at presenting his case.

@Buck your comment about “emotions” was not needed here. That was sexist. The rest of your comments I agree with.

@Redheadedgammy I thought their case sucked quite honestly. But all they had to go on is the witnesses and one shitty video. They rolled the dice with their witnesses and took the good with the bad. I’m not sure they had the bullets they needed to win the case from the start. That statement isn’t meant to imply wether or not Rittenhouse is guilty or not, just saying the prosecution had a tough case to argue.

@Redheadedgammy My comment about “emotions” was far from sexist, although your reply to it certainly was....😉

@Buck Gaslighting me now eh? I know what I read and it was sexist to tell me my to “put my emotions aside for a spell”. You know nothing of me as a person nor about my emotions.

@Redheadedgammy Hardly gaslighting?! Seems to me men and women alike on both sides are emotional about this verdict!? Explain to me how stating that emotions are involved is sexist? I’ve got all day.....🤔

@Redheadedgammy Never mind, don’t bother, I’m done trying to be logical and sensible to an emotional woman!! There, now I’m being sexist, now fuck off already....☺️

@Buck Truly what I expected of you. Let’s Go Brandon to you as well! 🤣


It's even less here. Today, I got my booster and a black woman administered. I was a bit surprised as I never see any blacks on this island. I went out of my way to thank her. I'm sure lots of others did as well. The only diversity we seem to have here are Latinos.


Racism has been engrained in every corner of our every our every thought, word, action...for over 500 years...BUT THAT IS JUST IN AMERICA...the World as a whole is just as bad. A person of color cannot walk down a street, go about his/her business without being viewed with prejudice or suspicion. A black child at school has to put up with not just the omnipresent peer pressure but peer pressure WITH PREJUDICE. Societal norms have marginalized and corraled black families and crushed any hope they have of having any kind of unchallenged freedom. Racial hatred has been given a green light by Trump and his sycophants are using everything at their disposal to push their "white nationalism". Abuse by the legal system is fueling tensions and now with the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse a dangerous precedent has been set...anyone can arm up and shoot and kill protesters under the guise of PATRIOTISM. Our job is to keep reaching out to try and build meaningful friendships and dialogue because I fear the situation that is now building is going to keep escalating until something major happens and then it is going to be Civil War 2.0. I HATE that this country has failed to live up to its promise that "All men were created equal"(should have included women too). This country has been living a LIE from day one and it has to stop.

You were at fault because you wanted to see a baby? KEEP MAKING MISTAKES.
Rant over.


You weren't at fault.
What you, and they, experienced was a conditioned response.

It's appalling that they have to be on heightened alert. Prepared to always be questioned and have to justify their presence just about anywhere they go.
You didn't create that situation.
You are the polar opposite of the kind of miserable white people who have created that reality for them.

The best thing about your interaction is you showed them that you're a good, and friendly person.
You also got to see a cute baby.


Thank you, dear. I feel better.


But there's no systemic racism, right? Bulloney. I see it at work every day, I know it exists. It's part of the reason that Blacks, being only 14% of the population here, are over 30% of the prison population, and they have to work harder to get early release because their background doesn't fit the guidelines for "successful" parole.

I don't know what it must be like to be viewed with suspicion everywhere you go, but I can imagine.


If only we could live in a world that was color blind. We are all just human, with different skin color.


Yes, we whites have no idea what people who are not white have to put up with every day.

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