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A good assessment, I think.

Organist1 8 Nov 19

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Sorry, even though I'm an ultra-liberal BLM supporter, I listened to some of the testimony and watched other news about it, and I don't think the prosecution proved it's case.


So what I want to know concerns two topics. First, can a white man now carry an automatic rifle and when he seems someone else with a gun, shoot them just because they might want to shoot him. Second, I would think that the next time Kyle is walking down the street someone could just shoot him out of spite, because Kyle might have shot him first. This guy, Kyle, now has a large target on his chest.

His lawyer said in a post trial interview that he will be moving away from his hometown for his safety, kind of like having to enter witness protection after you are acquitted. I still hope that he is discovered in his new hiding place and gets whacked.


Atrocious verdict white racist win again

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 19, 2021

If you were 18 years old and wrongly convicted of murder; you don’t think you’d get emotional on the stand???


This verdict of not guilty is a miscarriage of justice and an indictment of our broken criminal justice system. A white teenager got his hands on a semi-automatic rifle, showed up to a demonstration for Black Lives, fatally shot Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, wounded Gaige Grosskreutz, and he wasn't held accountable.

And it's exactly what the NRA wants—a society where anyone can have a gun anywhere with no training and no questions asked, and where people feel emboldened to shoot anyone over the slightest provocation without fear of consequences.


I can see it now, schools will open up to show people how to cry when accused of a crime.

I can see Gary Larson's cartoon about it now "The Midvale School for Bad Child Actors".

It's really not a good idea to downplay other people's issues. From what I heard Rittenhouse has some issues, mental health related, and the people who say things against him really come across as being insensitive to others. He cannot feel 100% good about all of this. I don't think people should question his emotions.

Wow...Jeffrey Dahmer had issues, too. So did Ted Bundy (his grandfather was his father). Until such time as we can identify and successfully treat people like this, when they are violent, they must be kept separate from society. It is particularly egregious when they are abetted by white supremicist groups, such as the so-called Proud Boys. Someone coached that guy, and not very well, says a friend of mine who teaches child acting at a local theater. No one is downplaying this, especially not the families of those he killed.

@Flowerwall so someone gets away with killing others
And we worry about hurting his feelings! Why wasn’t this brought up in the reporting? There will be a lot of demonstrators and violence and people will get hurt because it will look as if he gets to simply walk away.

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