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Difficult? It is nearly impossible to get over childhood trauma.

Agreed, especially sexual trauma. Very few disclose sexual abuse immediately, many not until years or even decades later, and some never disclose. I didn't disclose until over 20 years later, long after there could be any legal ramifications (there should be no statute of limitations on childhood sexual abuse). Then I relived it when, even after I confronted my dad and disclosed my abuse to my mom, my great niece told us he was molesting her. And what did my mom do? Called her a liar of course. Dad died in prison for molesting her. I now have no relationship with my mother, and I won't regret it.

@JonnaBononna I understand completely. Live your best life. 🤗


I have a friend who faced it and fought for many years. At 60 years old, she went public and even allowed her picture, with other abuse victims, on a billboard about the churches response, or rather lack of response. She never sued; her abuser is long dead.
An aside, she converted to Judaism when she married; she and her family are very progressive.


In many cases these traumas last a lifetime, especially sexual abuse. Very sad and unfortunate.

Not enough is done to their abusers.

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