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LINK 'He's Not Breathing': Black Teen Tased, Pepper-Sprayed During Texas School Protests As Students Look On In Horror, Some Trying to Help

Social media is ablaze after video emerged on Friday, Nov. 19, of police pepper-spraying and tasing a Black teenage student during a wide-scale disruption at a high school in suburban Dallas-Fort Worth.

The boy, who has not been identified, was part of a demonstration at the school in support of a female schoolmate who has alleged she was groped and harassed on a school bus in October.

snytiger6 9 Nov 28

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I feel so sorry for women in Texas for the bs they are going through with the government, etc.


Another example of how our police force isn't taught to de-escalate and manage situations, only how to use aggression to stomp someone into obedience. Why do they never learn that it's a method that only escalates the problem?

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