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Flat earth

How are we living in an age where this is still up for debate???

ThomasReitz 4 Apr 22

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Because social media gives a platform to idiots 🙂


Don't engage in debate with these people, it will be total waste of your time.


Because we've been taught to question everything but not how to confirm the truth with logic or reason while incorporating motive or bias (personal or otherwise). Add that to the current climate of propoganda editorial "news" parading as legitimate and you've got an entire generation of adults who can't process the overwhelming amount of data being thrown around like candy.

The entire flat earth movement is a very sad subset of that with so little trust in what they are told they're willing to believe that every other body in the universe is spherical except the one they're on because the only pictures ever provided weren't taken with their own camera while they were looking through it. They can't conceive of a world where Occam's Razor is utilized on a regular basis and they embrace the madness where if there is no disputing evidence it makes every alternate possibility equally probable.

We live in every possible result of the boy who cried wolf simultaneously.


They elected Trump, what do you expect of their brain capacity?


I had some folks to my house recently, after a pub crawl, and this engineer somehow get going on this... I thought he was joking at first. I tried to use SE methods but soon broke down to the "WTF is wrong with you?" method of debate... I rarely get verbally mean, but I wanted to toss the guy off my balcony... he could not be reasoned with... like a fundie, but worse.

Worse because most fundamentalists are raised in their belief from birth, and are constantly indoctrinated. It's hard to dig one's way out of that. Even religious evolution deniers I can feel some sympathy and patience with, for similar reasons. (large ven overlap on the two). But Flat Earthers are grown-ass people, who have been taught the truth, then just ... go sideways on it. I'm at a loss on this one. The newest Russian pics of the earth might help a little though... 🙂


Hey, pal, you think Ayn Rand is a great!

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