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LINK (India) Teenager Arrested for Allegedly Beheading Pregnant Sister With Mother’s Help

A teenager was arrested in India after police say he allegedly beheaded his 19-year-old sister as his mother held her legs, CNN reports.

Police in Vaijapur, Maharashtra told the outlet that the unnamed woman’s husband said they married against the wishes of her family and that she was two months pregnant with their child. At the time, the woman was living with her husband and she invited her mother and brother—who have also not been named by authorities—into her home for tea when they came to visit her Sunday.

snytiger6 9 Dec 8

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Now---that's gonna' incur some really nasty KARMA! Unless, of course, they're not Hindus..but Muslims. In that case, he's a warrior of Allah and deserves honors and glory.


That's some real crazy stuff going on over there.


Maybe she was out of milk? People who like milk in their tea get really upset when there's no milk.

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