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LINK President Biden on Twitter: "Join me as I give remarks on our response to last night’s devastating storms."

I know POTUS Joe won't take my advice but I would flood him on Twitter if you agree. I have Tweeted him directly, Jen Psaki, and some Media, as well. I asked POTUS Joe if FEMA for KY was a payoff to Mitch for cooperation? Whether the effort actually stops KY from receiving aid it might make red Governors aware of our mood, if it's powerful enough, through a real economic tantrum. Here's the advice I shared on Z's Rag:

I'm in NV and KY wants me dead because I'm a lib. Guess what? I think the storm is a hoax, didn't happen, and have asked WH to not send money until I personally see proof of a storm. Please do not send videos or someone’s word to verify it as my Deity has told me there was no storm. I believe wholeheartedly, without doubt, what my Deity tells me, so don't try.
Besides, this is a chance for us to become more powerful over them. Send a clear message and show what we can and will do to save freedom from religious Authority. I think we should seize it.

rainmanjr 8 Dec 11

Enjoy being online again!

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While l understand your anger, that would be very Trumpian and wrong. Unlike Trump, he is the President for ALL of the people, as he should be.

This is why we will be in chains or dead by 2025.

@rainmanjr That is beyond ridiculous. What l said is a fact and the way it is supossed to be. You act like there are no democrats in these red states. If you will Google the map and how and where people voted red or blue, you will see this is a rural/urban divide. Even in red states you will find the cities voted blue, and outside of the cities they voted red. You tell me how to fix that.


Not sure of your exact aim with this, but I seriously doubt we can convince religious zealots of the error of their ways by simply out-zealotting them.
Might be funnier if people hadn't died in these awful storms.

I don't give a God's damn about life, dude. It's an illusion and Americans have pretty clearly stated that they don't, either. We should wrap it around KY's neck and starve them and, to stop the empathy from WH, ask if it helps Mitch (even indirectly). If the answer is yes then don't give them funds as Mitch has not acted to put down a coup attempt. Dem's need some balls.

@rainmanjr Cruelty does not equal balls, just cruelty. You must be a great admirer of Hitler or Stalin. They took cruelty to the limits.

@rainmanjr So you "....don't give a God's damn about life." Well if that don't just say it all. I know you fancy yourself an admirer of some eastern philosophy, but your emphasis on nihilism and pretending life doesn't exist is beyond pointless.

Actually, our ability to connect emotionally in some way with other living beings is one of a small handful of elements in this mortal life of ours that affords us some meaning, and the fact that you reject that entirely is a strong argument for the rest of us to reject your approach as toxic.

@MikeInBatonRouge You are young and I hope live to learn what I have. Maybe that's not such a great wish for anyone, though. Good luck with your solutions (which I haven't yet read).

@rainmanjr I have to block you as you are almost too stupid to live. Adios motherfucker. Good luck with your dimwitted rants.

least, w@rainmanjr ah yes, the classic "age equals wisdom" logical fallacy. I am naturally but a wee lad, barely past the schoolhouse door. But please, tell that to my arthritis, cataracts, and heart meds I have to take.

I do find it interesting that your self-bio very first sentence is that you consider yourself "...basically an intellectual clown." That, at least, we can agree on.

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