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Has anyone ever seen a clamshell that big?

Lorajay 9 Dec 13

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If you looked like that, no complaints

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 14, 2021

Off course she does, what is this with the "if".


I typically have too much to drink and end up in a bookshelf.Since I have a beard, does that make me a prophet since I use language reserved for the bible?


I visited the site where she is said to have emerged from the sea in Cyprus, a couple of years ago. There are a pair of rocks, ( Sorry only one in my photo. ) which look very like testicles.


Its is even smaller than that, since it is not a clam but a Queen Scallop she sits in, which never get as big as the larger clams, which can reach three feet or more. You can perhaps see why, Aphrodite, born from the foam that resulted when the testicles of the castrated Cronus were thrown into the sea, comes ashore on a scallop shell. Because if you hold the shell with the outside facing you, and the hinge part to the bottom, you can see what looks very like a mount of Venus at the bottom. Fun if you like that sort of thing.

In Christian tradition it was the symbol of St James, though they turn it the other way up. In case anyone gets the wrong idea perhaps.


That's why they call where I live the "Conch Republic."


Exactly, she was 4 foot tall.


she was real tiny.

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