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Another reason for America to declare war against Russia & China. They are creating a non western controlled financial system.

Russia & China to create new financial system outside Western control – Kremlin []

Don't think you'll be able to do a Gaddafi on this one.

FrayedBear 9 Dec 15

Enjoy being online again!

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In the forthcoming battles between the payments messages I expect bean counters to triumph.

Bean counters do not fade away they just go out of balance.


Asia and Africa is 3/4 of the world population, half of the landmass and the lowest in covid deaths. Plus BRICS. Stands for Brazil, Russia,India, China and South Africa Alliance equal and vs. that of NATO. They will trade with each other oil and goods rather than the Petro or US dollar. The dollar is floating on printed money and digital. The whole covid war is a weapon of control yet will fall like a house of cards. Crypto currency and metal is another form cause US collapse.

More destructions to come before the people power returns.

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