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LINK Seven candidates challenging Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in 2022 | Chattanooga Times Free Press

There are 7 candidates challenging Marjorie Taylor Greene, 4 democrats, 2 republicans and a libertarian. Who do you think has the best chance of unseating her and her conspiracy driven agenda?

TheoryNumber3 8 Dec 16

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I don’t even try to guess who is going to win elections. The American voter has lost their pea picking minds. πŸ™„


Since her district is a repub dist, there are two ways to defeat her, either she loses in the primary, or enough voters that could never vote for a democrat vote for the libertarian that the democrat gets a plurality in the general.

Her Dist loves her, I'm sure. She seems to know it.

I feel we need a lot more libertarians on the ballot in red States. Most of them will pull Republican votes in the primary giving us a chance to pick up a seat.

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