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Aliens?? Beliefs

Dose anyone know what religion or belife system it is
when you belive we came or where engineered by visitors from other plants long ago and people have mistook aliens as Gods
And religions are to just control those people
Is there a classification for that?

FlowerGirl 4 Apr 22

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Scientology has already been mentioned, as were the Ancient Astronaut theory. There are lots of people who believe this kind of thing; just listen to Coast To Coast AM. You also have the Raelians who believe we were created by aliens.
I don't believe any of this, mind you. I do believe in aliens (life on other planets), but I'm pretty sure that we haven't been visited by them.


I don't believe it's a religion but Zechariah Sitchen made a lot of money writing a long series of books along those lines. Erich von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods or something like that is basically a book about this.

Don't get me wrong, I have not read and do not endorse those books, and I in no way accept that nonsense, but these aren't the only sources of information on ancient alien theory.

JimG Level 8 Apr 22, 2018

My mother told me she believed that we were planted by space aliens. I told that evolution is fact and that if some life giving elements were in fact introduced to our planet it was not done to specifically produce us, as we evolved over millions of years as we share DNA with all living creatures on earth and are just one branch of the evolution of life as we know it....End conversation.

She made the same mistake that theist do. That is assuming that humans were put here for a specific purpose. The truth is not flattering but I will settle for real.


Were they assembly plants? Or, plant plants, like in vegetation? I'm confused.


I would believe that over any actual Gods, for one thing there are the ancient tablets that actually describe what we know now as test tube babies and DNA manipulation plus there is the cafgo cult angle, even descriptions in the bible and stone relief carvings show what to me are dead ringers for airplanes and I work on airplanes and the one is a dead ringer for a Christen Eagle. Also there may actually have been a civilisation on Mars as even NASA Is coming out with the possibility of a previous human style culture having possibly been there.


Flying Spaghetti Monster. Clearly the best scientifically backed theory. And delicious as well.

I have tasted spaghetti worthy of a few Oh My Gods

@Bierbasstard Heresy!


Well Scientologists crack out the alien thing in OT3 []
Having said that, I'm not a Scientologist, but I do believe in aliens and I've seen what I can only believe are U|FOs. Give me a little credit for not believing in Lord Xenu.


no its just what could be. I believe in other species from other planets. this could be a prison planet and we ARE the aliens.

I think it's the height of human arrogance to assume we're the only life forms twirling around in the universe.

for sure I agree. with infinite space and time, there are infinite possibilities.



No thanks, I had Scientology for lunch. The Hubbard was delicious.


Everything but the aliens.

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