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This hypocrite has plenty of company with many on this site.

Tejas 8 Dec 20

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They're already refusing a facet of healthcare, so not really all that hypocritical. Also, notice, they're asking the dumb fuckin' anti-vaxxers to stay home, not banning them from seeking help.

That's true, and I'm glad I haven't seen any hospitals denying health care to people who aren't vaxxed. I mostly posted this for the people who would say not to treat them, but at the same time support Medicare for all.

@Tejas Aren''t you anti-vax? If so, who's the hypocrite?
Anti-vaxxers were and are willfully, ignorantly, and arrogantly wrong, which has been obvious from the start. A lot of these people, probably including you (?), are dead-set Medicare for all, but chances are have no health care themselves.
They probably are Christian right-wing libertarian gun nuts, who would nevertheless be jubilant if their "tribe" rigged the election, destroyed democracy and established a permanent one-party theocracy, then shredded regulations so their corporate masters bellied up at the money trough, while they eliminated social programs and threw this country into civil war.
No, I don't want them, or you if you are an anti-vaxxer, being treated. But this is still a great country despite those lunatics, so they WILL be treated.
Who's REALLY the hypocrite here?

@Storm1752 no I am not anti vaxx. Never have been

@Tejas Are you vaccinated?

@JeffMurray yes

@Tejas I get ya. It is a hypocritical stance but I'm willing to accept the duality of opinion. Put the sick unvaxxed on an unused floor (basement?) and get to them ONLY when the vaxxed are treated for their problems. If no unused space for the unvaxxed then they can't be admitted because they could make the other patients ill.

@rainmanjr Don't get me wrong, I want all anti-vaxxers to die at home, as soon as possible.

@JeffMurray that sounds very nazi like, you would have made a great ss officer

@Tejas That's because you don't understand the difference between arbitrary and non-arbitrary.

@JeffMurray lots of things are arbitrary, borders personal choice. Empathy is not arbitrary

@Tejas Being of a certain race, ethnicity, or heritage is arbitrary and unchangeable. Being an anti-vaxxer that causes the death and suffering of others is not arbitrary and can be changed. If you can't understand that, that's why you think something as stupid as my 'statement is nazi like'.

@JeffMurray if I'm not mistaken being vaxxed you can still get and spread covid. The vaccine is to cause less deaths in people infected. It is a personal choice to do so. With the way businesses are doing things I'd argue vaccinated people are speading covid more than non vaxxed.

@Tejas That's where you're wrong. You're assessment of the negative effects of being an anti-vaxxer is woefully inadequate and very myopic.

  1. The vaccine can severely lessen the negative effects of covid, not just whether or not the infected person will die. This can drastically decrease strain on the healthcare system, conserve medical supplies, increase availability of care for those that need it for conditions there isn't a free available shot to reduce likelihood of needing inpatient care for.
  2. Depending on speed of replication, a vaccinated person will likely have the virus for a shorter period of time before the body fights it off. This results in several benefits to society:
    2.a. a shorter time in the infected before recovery means less time during which they can infect others.
    2.b. a shorter time in the infected before recovery means less time during which the virus can mutate during replication.
    2.c. a shorter time in the infected before recovery generally means a lower viral count in the body.
    2.d. a lower circulating viral count when a person infects another could mean a lower viral load with which they are infected, in turn lowering the negative effects.

There's plenty more I could write on the subject, but honestly, if that's not enough, likely nothing will be enough to convince you of the importance/benefits. So even if the vaccinated are spreading it more, which it debatable but unlikely something that can be proved, it is likely that the virus spread from and to vaccinated people is insignificant when assessing societal harm. Last variant it was consistently that 93-97 percent of people in the ICU w Covid were unvaccinated. Obviously this variant is too new to have reliable data, but the first person to die of it here was an anti-vaxxer...

@JeffMurray I don't see us coming to an understanding here. But you have yourself a lovely night

@Tejas Because I have facts and statistics that don't line up with your feelings? Yeah, I can see how that would be a problem for illogical people that have been trapped in a Fox News echo chamber...

@JeffMurray I mean I can pull up things that support my view too but I don't pretend to be an expert on things when I'm not. You are the type to make assumptions and believe in your own bullshit. To call me illogical is insane when on your own bio you think eating meat and making dogs fight is the same thing. Try harder

@JeffMurray you have not only proved you are a shitty person by hoping 40 percent of Americans drop dead but you have also proven your idiocy. I no longer care for your invaluable input kindly fuck yourself.


@Tejas Eating meat and fighting dogs aren't the same but they are similar in a lot of ways depending on where and how you get your meat. But if we can't debate in a civil way, (read: if you're too much of an idiot to be able to support your claims and just resort to name calling when I own the fuck out of you) there really isn't any reason we should have to interact with each other at all.

@Tejas That would get rid of the Republican party once and for all so it would be for the public good.

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