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LINK Utah billionaire leaves Mormon church, donates $600,000 to LGBTQ group

Businessman Jeff Green wrote in a letter that the church "is actively and currently doing harm in the world," including to LGBTQ rights.

snytiger6 9 Dec 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Hallelujah, praise the lord!!! 🤠

No, praise Jeff Green

@Canndue You praise Jeff if you wish!!!
Thank you baby Jesus!!!!🤠


Do you know what the fuck platform you're on currently?

@Toonman I will pray for your soul!!!!🤠

@Buck You pray for me, I'll think for you.


Good for him. If there more people like him I would more comfortable coming out of the closet off this site.

Have you ever considered relocating to somewhere more liberal? Sucks you feel you have to remain closeted....😐

Gotta love who you love…

@Buck I have considered that option for awhile, but haven't gone through with it.

It’s a big change for sure. I’ve actually lived in 5 states and 8 different counties. And since I cut most everyone out I knew in 2016, I certainly have no qualms with moving that’s for sure. Best wishes whatever path you chose....🙃


Hopefully we’ll see MORE of this!!

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