In Wenatchee, WA, have been getting heavy snow for the past week. Mostly slush and freezing rain due to climate change.
So, I get up early and shovel the bottom stairs, a path to my car, the slanting cement pad beneath the stairs, and the cement pad in front of the mailboxes. I don't want the mail delivery person slipping on snow and ice.
I consider it community service. I try to shovel with a peaceful, happy mind instead of feeling resentful.
I live in an triplex. The man hired to deal with residents is supposed to shovel snow. With the first heavy snow, he shoveled the cement pad at the base of the stairs once. Did a lousy job. I cleaned up after him, shoveling the snow onto grass and flowerbeds, so it can melt and trickle down into the ground. Instead of melting and refreezing on cement.
He wanders around waving a leaf blower haplessly. He starts at noon after the day warms up. Too late. The height of laziness.
Darwin award winner.
The dumb ass needs to hire someone to do it. Since, he is clearly a lazy bastard.
After Christmas, I will file a complaint with the City of Wenatchee. I called the city and got a copy of snow removal laws in Wenatchee. Last week I wrote a letter to the landlord and enclosed the laws.
Snow must be cleared from sidewalks and walkways within 24 hours of snowfall by the building owner. The owner is required to provide a safe area for residents to walk. The fine is $54/day.
Let the fines begin! For eight years, I have been shoveling snow here. It hurts my middle and upper back to lift heavy snow and ice and throw it onto grass and flowerbeds.
Nobody ever thanked me, not even other residents.
@LiterateHiker You go girl.
@LiterateHiker It's likely nobody will ever thank you. Of course, that's not why you do it. Good job, Lit. The best help you can give is the help that nobody knows about but you. They say that nothing is purer than the kindness of an atheist.
The mail won't get delivered if the walk isn't cleared where I live. The leaf blower just let's him look like he's doing something without doing anything, similar to giving thoughts and prayers.