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LINK Trump Pushes Back On Candace Owens: "People Aren't Dying When They Take The Vaccine"

Every News Outlet Is Reporting This Story Except FoxNews.

barjoe 9 Dec 23

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If in his weird narcissistic way his exchange with Owens saves lives that would be a good thing. I know people I presume would still vote for him yet are boosted and masked because they don’t want to risk it with this pandemic. How many unvaxxed Trumpenproles are still reachable at this point to do the sane thing and get vaccinated?

I understand the frustration that goes into a “let them die” Darwin award response but I seriously try not to be that person. Hopefully Omicron is less deadly or disabling to its stubbornly ignorant victims. Otherwise given its rapid spread I shudder at the long term consequences of continued intransigence.

"Long term consequences" would no doubt result in raising the collective IQ.....nothing wrong with that!

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