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LINK Trump Spox Has Turned Over 1700 Pages of Documents to Jan. 6 Committee

Former President Donald Trump's spokesperson Taylor Budowich revealed in a new court filing that he provided the House select committee investigating the events of January 6, 2021, with at least 1,700 pages of documents and sat for "roughly four hours of sworn testimony," according to court documents reviewed by Insider and first reported on by Politico's Kyle Cheney.

Budowich and Conservative Strategies, Inc. are suing the Jan. 6 committee, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, JP Morgan, and other individual members of the committee over a subpoena for his financial records from JP Morgan. The suit was filed on December 24 in the US District Court for the District of Columbia.

He is arguing that the move is a violation of the Financial Privacy Act.

snytiger6 9 Dec 25

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Clearly Trumps lawyers need to tell he barking up the wrong tree and to keep his mouth shut until day he dies.


Kind of odd to turn over documents while suing but all things 45 are odd.

Do the documents disclose financial info?

@yvilletom I can't imagine they wouldn't but I know nothing about them. I didn't even go read the story and won't until the results are announced and official. Until then it's all speculation.

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