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LINK Fox News Host Confronts GOP Sen. Blunt With Data Showing Child Tax Credit Reduces Poverty

Fox News Sunday host Mike Emanuel confronted Senator Roy Blunt with data showing that Democrats' child tax credits substantially reduce child poverty, questioning why the Missouri Republican opposes President Joe Biden's Build Back Better Act.

The child tax credits, first approved as part of Biden's American Rescue Plan in March, provided families with monthly payments of hundreds of extra dollars for each dependent child. But the program expires this month as the Senate failed to pass the Build Back Better Act, which would have extended the child tax credits.

snytiger6 9 Dec 27

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Since the major benefit is reducing poverty, why isn't/wasn't means testing part of the original legislation?
No reason for individuals/couples over 200k/400k to receive any benefit.

See pics for current caps. BBB was extension with same caps (see
[] for one source)


At least some people at Fox News have an heart.

I think it is more like with all the criticism Fox has been getting lately, they want to appear to be fair, as least until the criticisms die down anyway.


Emanuel gave him a fairly blunt assessment. Eh?

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