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LINK Lawsuits could expose Trump business practices as voters consider 2022 midterms : NPR

Follow link for audio news story.

Basically, Trump faces a slew of lawsuits in three different categories. His unlawful business practices (cheating on taxes and fraud on loan applications), abuse of power in trying to get Georgia officials to overturn election results, and instigating a riot on January 6th to try to prevent electors from beign counted and certifying the election results.

There is also a fourth category, also an abuse of power, six counts, as outlined in the Mueller report, which isn't mentioned, but is still a possibility in play.

snytiger6 9 Dec 27

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Please throw him in jail. I'm tired of all this BS.


Trump’s devotees will vote for him if he’s in prison.


My feeling is that these will put the final nails in his coffin.

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