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LINK Faith-Based Apps Attract $175.3 Million As Worshipers Desert Churches

As Covid lockdowns closed churches, venture capital funding for religious, primarily Christian, apps have increased from $6.1 million in 2016 to $48.5 million in 2020 and $175.3 million in 2021, according to market research firm PitchBook Data.

snytiger6 9 Dec 28

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Now, they can be scammed in the comfort of there homes. How conivnent.


I don't really get how " 28% of Americans said their religious faith had been strengthened by the pandemic". The worse things get, the more they believe?

I think that would strongly correlate to persons who just can never admit to being wrong. The more the evidence poiles up agains them the more they double down.

@snytiger6 Or perhaps it's selective perception; believing that, since "God" has spared them so far, obviously he's looking out for them, ignoring the evidence of all the believers who have died.


So it seems they aren't abandoning the ideas. Just the dogma and tithings.

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